Thursday, May 06, 2010

Hello?? Is this thing on?

CCB is all up in the howwwzzze!!!

So let's talk immigration. What the hell is wrong with Americans. Why can't we just look at the facts and form our own opinions? Why do we not see the Media spin going on in TV (Whoopi wore a "Los Suns" jersey people! How much MORE obvious can the Media be?!) Why are we allowing Mexican Nationals to challenge American policy? If you wave a Mexican flag you can not comment on what we do. Here's an idea! If you don't like it......LEAVE! I'm sure Guatamala or Panama would love to have you sneek into their country in the dead of night and steal their money! Has anyone really looked at what Arizona is doing? NO. That would be the rational thing. Instead our Government distracts us with everyone screaming look at Arizona, while they push policies through without ANY regard for public opinion. Because our Government know best how to take care of I mean us.

No one should be able to come here, pop out a baby and claim they can stay with their new "American" baby! No one else in the entire world does that. If we want sooooo bad to enter the world community (Obama!) then why are we not following other "great" countries policy? Hell even Mexico has stricter control of their borders then we do. DO you really think the Mexican President cares that his people come here to work? Of course not. They make money here (tax free) and take it there. Pumping millions into his faltering economy. Hey, Dude? Maybe your #1 export shouldn't be drugs!!

And why does Joy on the "View" get so much face time? She is a VERY unhappy, and vindictive woman. How many times can the National Represenative of the Tea Party say "We are not about race, or social issues. Only fiscal accountability.." yet she says, "What about gays?" "What about abortion?" "What about these people at your rallies carrying signs?" Hey, Joy! What if your friends sent those people into those meetings with those signs to stir up fear? To give the media a "a-ha!" photo op to say, "See! Told you. They are homophobic, racists! See their signs?" Just saying. Everytime a disenting voice is raised, it gets crucified on TV and by the Government as "bad" for America. Know what's really "bad" for America? A government by the people, for the people that stopped being that so long ago no one can even remember when it happened. Much less why we let it. Oh, wait, I remember why now! We stopped watching and caring. Never mind. Forget I said anything..............

CCB, ranting like a beast since 2000!

Tell someone you love that you do!